Responsible Partner: CENTRIC
Executive Summary
This deliverable details the key communication and dissemination tools that will be utilised throughout the APPRAISE project. The primary tool for raising visibility, whilst providing crucial information on the project, is the APPRAISE website. The website provides information on the project’s consortium members, its background, concept, objectives, and the overall project structure.
Further to this, it will provide user’s access to the public deliverables, important documents, events, news, and updates relevant to their requirements. An additional means of promoting APPRAISE, and for creating a robust community of engagement with scholars, practitioners, and other key players in this field, is social media. The APPRAISE Twitter channel has been created to aid our engagement and connectivity with LEAs, practitioners, and the wider public.
Finally, details of the specific communication and dissemination tools and activities that have been developed are described, along with illustrations of how they have been designed to the specific needs of the project. Branding guidelines are also provided for project partners to implement and utilise, this will ensure consistency of the APPRAISE brand.