The USEC Bilbao Congress in Security, Emergency Response and Mobility was held on 25th and 26th May, in Bilbao Spain, and the APPRIASE project was delighted to be a part of it.
USEC Congress is an innovative congress and exhibition event where professionals, policy makers and industry from the Security, Emergency Response and Mobility sectors are invited to share an exhibition space and take part in a technical/policy event. This year’s congress held 7 round tables, 7 cross-cutting themed round tables, 10 conferences and 14 technical-operational talks. Furthermore, the large exhibition space provided the chance for industry suppliers of the three main sectors to showcase their products and services. This facilitated an opportunity for congress participants and technical staff from the different sectors to find out about the latest trends and developments in the market.
Vicomtech's Department of Transportation and Security held a stand in the exhibition space and took part in different roundtables in the Mobility field. Available on the stand was information about APPRAISE along with other EU funded projects in the security and emergency response fields, and this was disseminated to a number of those attending the event. Specifically, Vicomtech's developments in intelligent video analytics for security were showcased.